Start The New Year Off Strong
By Keune | December 10th, 2019
We are all excited to see what 2020 has in store! From new trends and behind the chair techniques to product releases and education events, the new year is set up to be one of success. The key to a seamless season is to find daily routines to keep yourself energized. This year, make sure one of your resolutions is to take better care of yourself. Get yourself ready for a brand new season full of style. Take a peek at some of our top tips to start the new year off strong!
Here’s how to prep in the New Year:
Meal Prep
In season’s past, you might have relied on iced coffee or juice cleansing during the busy days because there simply “isn’t enough time,” but start a new trend this year by fueling your body effectively. If you pay closer attention to proper eating habits and nutrition, you notice your energy levels remain elevated and you experience less fatigue throughout the day.
Make Time for Yourself
While it may be fun to go out for happy hour or head to a party after a long week of work, planning time for yourself that is centered around self-care may offer greater benefits. Enjoy a spa day, schedule a weekly massage or practice yoga on daily. By opting out of overly social settings and immersing in quiet time for reflection, you’ll have quality energy to boost your services in the New Year.
Create a Buffer
Clients love to try out new styles in the New Year! Whether it is adding curls to their usual blowout or a deep conditioning treatment to their root touch up, prepare for these add-ins by creating a time “buffer” between your appointments. You can easily accomplish a great deal with a few extra minutes with each client!
Be Mindful
It is vital to be in tune with your mind, body, and those around you. You will see an immense difference in your day by wearing the right shoes and properly stretching before, between clients, and after. When you need a break, take one! If you’re struggling, ask a co-worker for help. If you have extra downtime, see if one of your co-workers needs help. Working as a team is key to everyone’s success in 2020!
Command Your Energy
The easiest way to keep calm and carry on this year is by commanding your own energy. Be ecstatic when your client leaves in love with her color. Get excited when someone books a last-minute appointment at the end of the day. And, walk into the salon every morning with an upbeat attitude to conquer the day! We are the impact we wish to see. You can change your entire day and that of those around you by changing your energy!