Care For Your Clients’ Locks As The Temps Drop

By | November 21st, 2018

As outdoor adventures take a back seat to cuddling up by the fire and drinking hot cocoa, this time of year proves it is all about #selfcare. Clients will be making their way into your chair before the holiday festivities and inquiring about the best ways to take care of their strands as the seasons change. Prepare them for the cooler temps by educating them on top tricks for winter hair care and send them home with products that are sure to make them feel joyful and bright!


Keep reading to learn more about how to care for your clients’ locks as the temps drop. 

Heat Styling

It’s time for clients to dust of their blow-dryers because it’s just too cold to air-dry anymore. While air-drying was a favorite during the warmer months, clients are going to be using hot tools more often due to colder temps. Be sure to remind them to update their product regimen by adding a deep conditioner at least once a week and a heat protectant anytime they are ­using hot tools.

Our Top Picks: Care Keratin Smooth Mask and Care Vital Nutrition Mask

 care-keratin-smooth-mask care-vital-nutrition-mask

Environmental Factors

Rain, snow, sleet and wind–these are just a few of the things clients have to look forward to this season. As storms loom and pressure systems wreak havoc, you’ll want to prepare them for the worst so they’ll still look their best! Product is the No.1 protector standing between their hair and a bad hair day! Prepping hair prior to heat styling and then finishing with a product to protect a style is their best defense.

Prep Pick: Care Vital Nutrition Thermal Cream


Finishing Pick: BLEND Fixing Spray


Color Care

Around this time of year, clients are looking to refresh their current color or try something new. With excess heat styling and a brisk kick from the elements, color treated hair needs extra TLC. Educate clients about in-salon treatments, like Keune Care Miracle Elixir! and urge them to book an appointment at least once a month for a toner touch-up and professional conditioning treatment. Inform them how this will help lock in results and keep their hair shiny, healthy and happy until the sun is shining again.

Home-Care Pick: Care Color Brillianz Mask


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By Keune

Inspiring True Beauty since 1922